Eglise La Pêche

About Us


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Our Community

Nestled within the scenic hills and landscapes of Wakefield Quebec, we are a community anchored in love and respect for others. We invite everyone into our country church, where all are welcomed with open arms and treated like family. Our community not only enriches the spiritual lives of our members, but we also proudly support those in need, living in the La Peche area and around the world through international missions.

Our History

Our roots trace back to the late ’60s when Roy and Irene Stuart came to Wakefield, spreading the good news of Jesus and sharing their faith door-to-door. Their efforts led to the emergence of a small church in their living room. In the mid-70s, they moved to Ottawa, but returned in 1983 to support Wakefield believers. Initially meeting in homes, the growing congregation soon rented a gym at Wakefield Elementary School. From 1994-1999, Pastor Carl Ruby and his wife Colleen, alongside church elders, led the congregation while the Stuarts rested. In 1997, the church moved to Masham and was renamed Église La Pêche, with Roy and Irene returning in 1999. By 2000, they found a permanent home on Wakefield’s main street. After Roy’s retirement in 2002, Pastor Thomas and Denise Sabourin led until 2009. In January 2010, after 29 years of service, Mark Chamberlin and his wife Janet took over to continue spreading the good news of Jesus. At the end of December 2018, due to health limitations, Mark and the Board asked Pastor David Lyons and his wife Sylvia to come and help with the work here.


Our Vision

Our vision is to see people turn to Jesus to find real Life now and for all eternity!

Our life verse is: Luke 1:17 “ And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Our Pastor & Team

Pastor David Lyons brings infectious enthusiasm to the church he leads, inspiring the congregation with his lively and engaging services, creating an atmosphere of joy and passion. Pastor David’s sermons are not only insightful but sprinkled with humor, making his messages relatable and enjoyable. The husband-and-wife team of Jason and Jenn Joss are also actively involved in leading services too. The church is filled with vibrant singing and spirited worship, supported by Pastor Dave’s talented wife Sylvia, who plays the keyboard, creating an environment where everyone feels uplifted and energized. This team’s dedication and vibrant approach ensure that each service is a celebration of faith, joy, love and devotion.